In 2012 there were over 1,100 people were seriously injured when a driver was over the prescribed UK drink drive limit. More sadly 280 people were killed in drink drive road traffic accidents. Drink driving has decreased greatly over the last 30 years. This is mainly down to education – however, there is still room for improvement.

UK Drink Drive Limit:

Drink Drive Limit in the UK is 80 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. This is know as the BAC (Blood Alcohol Level). An alternative measurement is 107 milligrammes per 100millilitres of urine.

In Scotland the drink drive limit is lower, at just 50 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. This lower Scottish limit came into effect on 4th December 2014 as an attempt to lower the accident rate of alcohol related drink drive road traffic collisions.

How To Stay Safe – And Under The Limit:

The simple answer is not drink at all when driving. However, the current limit in both England and Scotland allows you to consume a level of alcohol. Your BAC (Blood Alcohol Level) will be determined by a number of elements including:

  1. Your body weight
  2. If you are a male or female. Men tend to process alcohol more quickly
  3. Your metabolic rate – the faster your metabolic rate will usually mean you process alcohol quicker
  4. Your current stress levels. If you are stressed it may take longer for you to process alcohol
  5. If you have recently eaten. Drinking on an empty stomach will have a more dramatic effect than drinking after or with a meal
  6. Your age. Younger drivers tend to process alcohol alcohol slightly slower than older drivers

A large man who has had a meal would be able to drink more, and possibly still be under than drink drive limit than a smaller woman drinking the same amount. It is hard to accurately access how much you have had, and if you are under the drink drive limit. So to avoid the risk take these following steps if you are driving to a social event or party:

  1. Tell people before the event that you are driving
  2. Ensure you will be able to access alcohol free drinks
  3. Make a promise to yourself not to drink, or if you do limit yourself to very little
  4. Remind those who are drinking, that you want to remain safe! They will certainly rely on you if you are giving them a lift after

Below is a calculator that can help you see what you could possibly drink and be above/below the drink drive limit. This is only an estimate and certainly should not be taken as an accurate measure.